Let’s say your packaging material is the “right” kind of plastic that actually can be recycled. Great, you can now correctly state that your packaging is 100% recyclable, but it doesn’t take much poking before a hole appears in the neat communication story. How many times can your packaging be recycled before it is incinerated or ends up on a landfill or in our waterways? The truth is that most plastics in packaging can only be recycled up to around 3 times before it degrades so much that it cannot be used any longer. Many composite packaging materials like a liquid carton can in theory be recycled, but are so difficult and non-economical to separate that it is very often downcycled, shipped to a landfill or incinerated. For this type of complex composite packaging, there is a significant difference between what can be recycled in theory and what is actually recycled in practice. To be blunt, the “100% recyclable packaging” goal may be easy to communicate, make consumers feel good, and give your brand a healthy green glow, but it may not do much to preserve our environment.