Governance Is 519556190

Resources and governance

Information, insights and reports on our environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance.
Governance overview

Our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Sustainability Officer hold responsibility for leading and managing the company-wide sustainability strategy and its implementation, with oversight from the Supervisory Board.

Trivium’s Supervisory Board provides the necessary leadership and strategic counsel to propagate the principles of good corporate governance across the entire organisation, ensuring that the decisions and actions we take are based on integrity, responsibility and transparency.

Supporting our Chief Sustainability Officer is the Global Circulate Team (GCT), a standing group on sustainability matters that is composed of environmental representatives from all manufacturing plants. The GCT works on defining, refining and driving the implementation of Trivium’s sustainability strategy across the business.

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Sustainability report

We are committed to being open and transparent about our sustainability progress. Our Sustainability Report details our social, environmental and safety performance as well as our sustainability management approaches, systems, policies and governance. We will continue to detail our progress on an annual basis.

Policies and statements

Our policies and statements are there to ensure everyone connected to our business, including suppliers and contractors, understands and shares our commitment to ethics and sustainability.

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Buying Green report

The Buying Green Report is our comprehensive survey of consumer perceptions of sustainable packaging, conducted in partnership with Euromonitor International.

The survey covers more than 9,000 end consumers across Europe, North America, and South America and explores their values and behaviours with respect to both sustainability and packaging. The survey reveals insights on consumer willingness to pay for eco-friendly packaging, and consumers’ perceptions of packaging materials.

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White paper reports

Our white papers aim to communicate factual information to help customers and end consumers understand and find solutions to issues concerning packaging and sustainability.

We present our white papers with a holistic view towards sustainable packaging, as we believe that sustainability cannot be captured in only one number or one approach.

Trivium’s team of experts always welcomes the opportunity to share our knowledge and have in-depth discussions on our findings.

Read our latest white paper
Aerosol cans in Europe: a story of infinite recyclability
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Protect, promote and preserve
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Stakeholder engagement

Our sustainability commitments and initiatives put us in contact with a variety of stakeholders all over the world. We cherish these engagements as they provide us with the opportunity to better understand our stakeholders and their needs. Importantly, they enable us to establish lasting partnerships with parties that can affect and stand to be affected by our business. Engaging with our stakeholders is essential to how we do business.

Our stakeholder group includes our community, customers, employees, industry associations, inter-and non-governmental bodies and organisations, investors, national and local authorities as well as suppliers. We aim to maintain an ongoing and constructive dialogue with these groups at all levels of our company.


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Opportunity and risk management

As a forward-looking organisation, we take measures to carefully identify and assess the social and environmental opportunities and risks in our business environment, and develop management plans to address them.

The key socio-environmental risks we have identified are related to climate change and water scarcity. Trivium’s sustainability team oversees an Enterprise Risk Management Charter System.

The team works alongside designated environmental representatives in every plant to assess and identify emerging risks based on environmental data submitted into the Trivium Risk Inventory Management System. Once identified, medium to high-risk locations are provided with the necessary support to mitigate their identified risks.